You are here: Administrators Reference > SEO Administration > SEO Administration Menus > Reports > Deficient Rule Results

Deficient Rule Results

The Deficient Rule Resultsreport shows all pages within an SEO Reporting Group that have a score below the level that is considered acceptable for the page grading rule. This report provides a quick and simple mechanism to ensure that the pages within a Reporting Group are optimized for search engines. Access this report by clicking the Deficient Rule Results option in the Reports section of the SEO Administration Dashboard. Rules here are defined through Site Administration - Search Engines/SEO - Page Grading Rules Definition.

This report displays the following:

Reporting Group: Read-only. Displays the name of the current keyword reporting group.

Display all results for this reporting group, or pick from the following dropdowns.

Click the Filter button to apply your filtering criteria.

Click column heads to sort results by keyword, rule, title, subsite, score, or date.

Keyword – The keyword for which the rule was deficient. Note the following:

Rule – The rule for which the page was deficient.

Title – The title of the deficient page

Subsite – The subsite of the deficient page

Score – The score for the page/keyword combination against the rule

Date - The date the rule was last run.

Comment – A recommendation for improving the score

In the Actions column, click the metadata and security icon to view page information.

Clicking the More Actions icon for a selected page displays the following options:

CommonSpot includes the Export to Excel option in multiple reports throughout the system so you can conveniently collect and distribute data for import into spreadsheets or other applications that accept comma-separated values. Click this option to display a table of all fields within the current report, then select the fields whose values you want to export and save in spreadsheet or CSV format. Selected fields automatically display as column heads in the CSV output. You also have the option to change column names on the fly to customize your reports.


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