Manage SEO Keywords

You can track external search engine performance for specific keywords in CommonSpot. These terms are defined as SEO keywords and organized in groups categorized for specific targeted results for reporting through SEO Administration. You can manage SEO keywords at the page level from the SEO left pane. Click Manage SEO Keyword(s) to view, create, add, or delete SEO keywords for the current page. You can search for desired keywords, click and drag to select keywords for this page, or create new keywords for the page or the keyword reporting group.

By default, this dialog displays all keywords in the reporting group. Refine results by selecting an option in the Available Keywords dropdown, entering matching criteriain the text field, and clicking the Filter button.

Click a green arrow on the left , or click and drag from left to right to associate keywords with the current page as shown below:

To create new keywords, enter one or more comma-delimited terms in the Add field and click Add to Reporting Group.

Note: Individual keyword length cannot exceed 255 characters.

New keywords become part of the group of keywords categorized for this page. CommonSpot displays a notice for duplicate keywords and discards them.

In the Selected SEO Keywords column, click and drag to re-order terms, to set position within pages or templates.

Click the delete icon to selectively remove individual terms, or click the Delete All link at the top of the column to clear all selections.

Enforced Keywords either displays the non-modifiable set currently in use (as defined by the subsite administrator) or indicates that no keyword requirements are currently in effect, as shown above.

Click Use Selected Keywords to complete keyword tagging for the current page, or click Cancel to exit without saving


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