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Scheduled Job Properties - Rebuild Stale Cache

Clicking the edit icon for this job in Server Scheduled Jobs or clicking Next in the process of adding the Rebuild Stale Cache scheduled job displays properties for this job.

The CommonSpot Rebuild Stale Cache job ships as a server-level utility, as shown here, for detecting and regenerating recently viewed expired content on target servers. CommonSpot updates oldest stale cache first. Use this dialog to view or change job name, the server location for running the job, and job attributes.

By default, stale processing is done in the background by no more than one thread, and does not require explicit scheduling of a 'stale cache' background job - a background thread will be launched as needed.

Name: The visible name of the scheduled job.

Server: The server(s) that will run the scheduled job. Note that this option only shows a selection list when running under a Shared Database configuration; otherwise, the current server is automatically pre-selected and displayed as shown above. You must separately add server-level jobs on replication targets.

Properties: This job takes a Maximum number of threads argument for assigning system resources.

Delay Factor: Optionally introduces a delay in Stale Cache processing. This setting can help you manage the CPU resources required for foreground requests and those required for Stale Cache background processing.

Accepting the default value of 0 introduces a minimal delay while CommonSpot makes a request to determine the timing effects of current load.

Entering higher values increases the delay. For example, if the CommonSpot request takes 200ms to complete and you set a delay factor of 10, CommonSpot delays the background thread for 2 seconds before processing another page.

Entering a value of -1indicates no timing requests and no delay - the Rebuild Stale Cache job continues to process everything in the queue as quickly as possible.

The correct value for this setting depends on several factors. Experiment to optimize process handling for your environment. If your server instance is CPU-starved under load, use higher values so the background thread doesn't consume all available resources for a prolonged period. If the Stale Cache queue grows continuously (that is, the Rebuild Stale Cache job is not keeping up, with the worst-case scenario being that the oldest request in the queue is older than the "Stale" threshold), reduce the delay factor (and/or add more CPU resources).

In general, use higher values (5 to 10, or more) for single-processor instances, and lower values (-1 to 2) for multi-processor instances.

Click Next to schedule this job, Prev to return to the preceding dialog, or Cancel to exit.

Return to Server Scheduled Jobs to run the job with your changes


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