You are here: Administrators Reference > Site Administration > Elements & Forms > Elements > XML Render Handling > Viewing XML for all Page Elements Supporting Custom Render Handlers
Viewing XML for all Page Elements Supporting Custom Render Handlers

To view XML output for all page Elements supporting Custom Render Handlers, append ?xml=1 to the URL of the current page.

For example, appending ?xml=1 to your page name in the URL, displays the following for all CommonSpot Elements on the page.

Depending on the browser type, you can typically expand and collapse XML nodes by clicking on the plus (+) or minus (-) icons. Expanding the fourth Element displays detail for the Page Index Element.

Note: Both Chrome and Safari require a third-party extension (like XML Tree for Chrome) to correctly display XML. If you are using either of these browsers for authoring, download the appropriate extension to view XML for CommonSpot Elements.


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