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Broken Links

CommonSpot regularly runs a scheduled process to review and report on link status.

This process displays summary results for the current page under Notifications in the Page Tools left panel and lists site-wide results in the Report of Pages with Broken Links (available from the top-level Reports menu).  

From the Page Tools left panel, click Broken Links to review link problems.  This dialog displays a list of broken links. Click the link to highlight it on the page. Edit to correct the link or remove it from the current page.

CommonSpot also generates a report on affected links for Delete Page operations. See Delete Conflicts and Warnings.

Deleted Internal Page and ID display for pages that have been deleted in CommonSpot without correcting link references.

Scheduled pages not currently displayed may also be included in this report.

See the Links Menu for more information on using this and other options to manages links.

Select one or more items and click Validate Links to view a validation report.

CommonSpot attempts to resolve all link types and differentiates between them, validating http and verifying syntax for https and mailto. CommonSpot does not verify protocols like ftp, mms, rtsp.

For these link types or for external unregistered links that you know are valid, but that cannot be validated by CommonSpot, you can use the Mark as Valid option to suppress these links from validation reporting.

Use the CommonSpot Referring Pages function to easily see all pages within the site that have links to the current page. Select Referring Pages from the Links menu or from the Page Tools left panel under Quick Links to view pages pointing to the current page.


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