You are here: Elements Reference > Custom Elements > Entering Data for Custom Elements > Append Data

Append Data

For Global Custom Elements where rendering mode is set to manually display one or more existing records, CommonSpot includes the ability to quickly create a new instance of a Custom Element and append it to an existing set. See the description for Manually select data to display under Display one or more existing element data records in Render Properties. For these cases, Append replaces the New Data option in the Element menu.

Clicking the Append Data option displays the set of fields defined for the Global Custom Element. Use this option to make it easy for contributors to quickly add new content of the same type. For example, use this to add a new image to an existing image carousel, as shown below.

Save & Append Another saves the current data, then reopens the Custom Element dialog without refreshing the page

Save & Close saves data, closes the dialog and refreshes the page.

Cancel closes without saving.


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