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CommonSpot Customer Administration Dashboard

Use the Customer Administration Dashboard to set up contributors. You must assign contributor status to everyone who works in CommonSpot at your site.

If you host multiple sites either as a service or because your organization must maintain separate security for individual Users databases, you also use this dashboard for centralized administration of those groups.

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For Customer Administration, CommonSpot presents an interface similar to the Server Administration Dashboard customized to the needs of hosting customers and exclusive of access to server-specific configuration, site creation, tools, security controls, and installed component status information.

Access to Customer Administration requires Site-level administrative access. In contrast, access to Server Administration requires the highest level (CPAdmin permissions). This means that only global server administrators can create new sites, manage hosting customers, and manage server-wide configuration settings.

Most installations do not need to support multiple Users data sources. However, for CommonSpot ASP hosting providers who host one or more sites for multiple customers and others who need this level of separate security, CommonSpot provides Customer Administration to configure and manage sites associated with independent Users data sources.

It is important to be clear about which Users data source CommonSpot references when displaying User, Group, and Contributor options at the Server Administration and Customer Administration levels.

At the server level

At the server level, for server administration, the Users data source is the data source for the hosting company (or the primary CommonSpot installation). At this level sites on this server lists individual customers and sites for which you have administrative permission.

To access the Users/Groups and Contributors administrative pages for a Users data source associated with a hosted customer, select a site for that customer and choose Admin - Customer Administration

At the site level

At the site level, when viewing the Customer Administration dashboard, sites owned by this Customer are those sites for which you have administrative permission and which use the same Users data source.


Related Links

You can download PDF versions of the Content Contributor's, Administrator's, and Elements Reference documents from the support section of (requires login).

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