You are here: Administrators Reference > Site Administration > Taxonomy > Manage Taxonomy > Edit Taxonomy Facets Terms

Edit Taxonomy Facets & Terms

Access the Edit Taxonomy Facets & Terms dialog from the Manage Taxonomy dialog. Use this option to:

Edit Taxonomy presents the following views and options:

View Terms:

Hierarchically: Displays a tree view of facets based on currently defined hierarchical relationships, as shown below.

To view terms, click the plus icon. The Uncategorized Terms folder contains terms not currently associated with a facet.

Alphabetically: Displays terms in A-Z order, as shown below:

Terms in each view display the following options:

In the alphabetical view, displays the Administrators Reference dialog for removing this term from the taxonomy. The Delete Term dialog displays options for handling any associated narrower terms.

Show: Displays a dropdown for filtering terms by individual facets in the current taxonomy.

New Facet button: Displays the Add New Facet dialog for creating a new facet for this taxonomy.

New Termbutton: Displays the Add New Term dialog for creating new terms for this taxonomy. You can add terms to existing facets or enter them as uncategorized.


Related Links

Edit Term

Move Term

Detach Term

Delete Facet

Delete Term

Add New Term

Select Existing Term(s)

Add Existing Narrower Term

Add New Facet

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