You are here: Contributors Reference > Page Publishing Process > Approving Content > Approve Change for Publication

Approve Change for Publication

If you are the only approver assigned to this content, or if all other approvers have already OK'd it, you will see the Approve Change for Publication dialog when you click the Approve Change option from the Approval Needed menu.

If a page has one or more social media posts pending approval through the Submit & Share option, the following message displays to approvers.

Click Submit to publish the change (and approve any pending social media posts associated with this page), or Cancel to maintain approval pending status.

If at least one other approver has not yet approved the change, the Approve Change for Publication dialog lists all authorized approvers for this item, along with the action, if any, each has taken. Each approver’s e-mail address appears as a hyperlink, so you can easily communicate about the item.

Click Submit to approve, or Cancel to exit without taking action.


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