You are here: Contributors Reference > CommonSpot Workspace > My CommonSpot > Reminders > Pages Scheduled for Publication

Pages Scheduled for Publication

Use this dialog to review all approved pages with future publication dates. Contributors set publication date in the Create New Page dialog or modify it through Standard Properties.

Access this dialog from the My CommonSpot Reminders section by clicking Pages Scheduled for Publication.

Click a link in the Page Title column, or mouseover to view the page window icon and conveniently launch the page in a separate window:

You can set search criteria to filter results - results include some or all of these options:

To view items for which you are the owner, set filtering and ordering criteria, including which subsite levels to include and date restrictions.The defaults for these options are set through Site Administration - Properties and Settings - Report Settings. See Report Settings in the Administrator's Reference.

You can filter using these options. Click Filter to apply and display items that meet your criteria.

Click an item in the Page Title column to display in the main browser window, for quick review.

The State column indicates status for each page in this report. A green check mark indicates currently active pages. This column also includes user or group ownership status (where applicable). Mouseover to view owner details. State also displays standard CommonSpot Work In Progress and Approval Icons. A page may display one or more of the following:

Blue W indicates Work in Progress, scheduled for publishing.

Orange P indicates Pending Approval.

Yellow W indicates newly created or modified content in a Work in Progress state, not ready for public distribution.

The calendar icon indicates a page scheduled for publication.

For more information, see Content States, Page View Modes, and the View Menu.

In the Actions column, clicking the edit icon displays following.

Select a mode for viewing the page. Selecting My Changes or All Changes, as shown above, opens the selected page for editing. Approvals opens the page for your review and approval.

Clicking the Metadata & Security icon, as shown below, displays the following options.

Select a page information option.

Clicking the More Actions icon for a selected item displays the following options:

More Actions: Click one or more checkboxes and select the appropriate option from the More Actions dropdown to copy, move, delete or change page owner. Remove individual items by clicking the associated delete icon , or select multiple items, click Delete Selected from the More Actions dropdown, then click Go. CommonSpot confirms deletion to enable you to manage any links to this file. You can optionally Select/Deselect all.


Related Links

You can download PDF versions of the Content Contributor's, Administrator's, and Elements Reference documents from the support section of (requires login).

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