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Right-Click Options for Table

Right-clicking inside a table cell will open a context sensitive menu, with that it expands when you hover the cursor over the Table Operations icon (you don’t have to right-click to see the sub-menu). It contains operations related to a table cell:

Increase Colspan - increase the value of the current cell's colspan attribute, merging it with the column cell to the right.

Increase Rowspan - increase the value of the current cell's rowspan attribute, merging it with the row cell below.

Decrease Colspan - split a previously-merged cell into two columns.

Decrease Rowspan - split the previously-merged cell into two rows.

Add Column Before - insert a new table column to the left of the one where the cursor is placed

Add Column After - insert a new table column to the right of the one where the cursor is placed

Add Row Above - insert a new table row above the one where the cursor is placed

Add Row Below - insert a new table row below the one where the cursor is placed

Remove Column - remove the table column where the cursor is placed

Remove Row - remove the table row where the cursor is placed

The table row contextual menu includes the Merge Cells operation, which unites the selected cells into one larger cell.

Because the right-click table menus group together related, commonly-used options, and can save a considerable amount of time.


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