You are here: Administrators Reference > Site Administration > XML Publication > Publication Definitions > New/Edit Metadata Field

New Metadata Field/Edit Metadata Field

Use the Edit Metadata Field dialog to view or modify fields that request metadata for XML publications. Access this dialog by clicking the edit icon for an existing field or adding a new field to Publication Definition Metadata.

Standard Properties Tab 

Other Properties Tab 

The field parameters that appear on this tab vary depending on the field type selected in the Standard Properties tab.

The following types may display on the Other Properties tab

Maximum Length - Defines the number of characters allowed per field. Requires input for all types of Custom Element fields, except for the following types: Check Box, Image, Tree Control, Formatted Text Block, and Date.

Size - Defines field display size. Required input for the following types only: Text, Selection List, URL, and Email.

Default Value - Prepopulates the field with the value you enter.

Cookie Field - This option is available for Custom Element form fields, simple forms, and metadata forms. It enables pre-populating fields from cookie values. Use this feature to auto-complete forms containing fields completed in other forms. For example, once a user enters name, city, state, etc., in one form, fields requesting these values are prepopulated in the next form. You can use this feature for Text, Selection List, Multi-checkbox, Checkbox, and Radio Button fields.

Based on selections made for field type in the Standard Properties tab, the following options may also display:

Security Tab 

The Security tab defines field-level permissions. Use this tab to assign users and groups specific rights to the field and its data.

Check Use Explicit Security to restrict editing access to this field. The Edit Security Settings button displays. Click this button to modify security settings through the Field Security dialog. Click the edit icon to selectively assign individual users or groups field-level permissions.


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