You are here: Administrators Reference > Server and Customer Administration > Server Administration Main panel > Sites on this Server

Sites on this Server

Sites on this Server displays a link list of sites created and maintained on this CommonSpot Server, with status and administrative options. Use this section to create new sites.

ID: The CommonSpot-assigned ID for the site. Use this ID to help resolve site errors referenced in email reports.

Site Name: The name assigned at site creation. Links to the Site Administration Dashboard for the site. Administrative access level and available functions are based on Site Security. Click to administer this site.

Customer: For installations with a single-customer license, the name assigned during server configuration and displayed as part of the Server Key. In multiple-customer environments displays the name associated with individual customer keys. See Administrators Reference

Active: Displays or changes state for the current site.

Active state (default). Site is published and available. Click to change.

Inactive state (grayed out). Site is accessible only to those with author rights. Click to change.

Actions: Presents administrative options.

Administers the site. Performs the same function as Site Name.

Navigates to site. Click to view this site.

Removes the site record from the serverSites table; deleting removes all site information contained in:

  • The CommonSpot Sites database
  • The CommonSpot directories

Deleting does not remove:

  • Data from the site-specific database (or the database itself)
  • Information contained within the ColdFusion Administrator

You must first Confirm Site Deletion

Create New Site: Displays the New Site Information dialog, the first in a series of wizards for guiding you through the site creation process.


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