Student Achievement Goals and Outcomes
Completion Rates
SACSCOC Student Competon Indicator:
Completions Data Point Selection: National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) Total Six-Year Completion Rate
Fall Cohort | 6-Year Graduation Year | CVCC's Fall Cohort Total Completion Rate (%) |
National Benchmark Total Completion Rate (%) |
Fall 2015 | 2021 | 48.00 | 42.2 |
Fall 2014 | 2020 | 44.03 | 40.3 |
Fall 2013 | 2019 | 44.92 | 40.8 |
Fall 2012 | 2018 | 42.44 | 39.2 |
Fall 2011 | 2017 | 32.61 | 37.5 |
Fall 2010 | 2016 | 39.0 | 39.3 |
Fall 2009 | 2015 | 36.5 | 38.1 |
Data source: National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) Student Tracker Postsecondary Completions Institutional Benchmark Reports.
CVCC’s Goals:
CVCC Goal 1 (target 1): to increase CVCC's Fall Cohort Total Completion Rate percent from year to year.
CVCC Goal 2 (target 2): to remain above the National Benchmark Total Completion Rate percentage
Results: For the past two reports (2022 and 2023) CVCC has met both targets for this measure.
NCCCS Performance Measures for Student Success: Curriculum Completion Rates
CVCC's Goals:
Goal/target: CVCC's goal is to remain above the NCCCS average.
CVCC’s Curriculum Completion rates data reported, as part of the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) Performance Measures, has been above the NCCCS average since the 2019 report that measured the 2014 Fall Cohort.
Stretch goal:
CVCC’s stretch goal is to fall into one of the following performance levels (listed in ascending goal level):
- ≥ Average Band Min, < Average Band Max (yellow)
- ≥ Average Band Max, < Excellence Level (green)
- Met or Exceeded Excellence Level (light gray)
Report Year | Fall Cohort | CVCC Results | NCCCS Mean | Met or Exceeded Level | ≥ Avg Band Max, Below Excellence |
≥ Avg Band Min, <Avg Band Max |
≥ Baseline, <Avg Band Min |
Below Baseline Level | CVCC Performance |
2023 | 2018 | 1.042 | 1.007 | ≥ 1.086 | 1.046 - 1.085 | 0.968 - 1.045 | 0.850-0.967 | < 0.850 |
≥ Average Band Min, ≤ Average Band Max |
2023 | 2017 | 1.031 | 1.014 | ≥ 1.094 | 1.054 - 1.093 | 0.973 - 1.053 | 0.853 - 0.972 | < 0.853 |
≥ Average Band Min, ≤ Average Band Max |
Data from NCCCS Dashboards:
The table above shows the NCCCS Performance Measures Report Data for Curriculum Completion from the 2022 and 2023 reports. For the 2022 and 2023 reports, CVCC met the lowest level of its stretch goal (index score that was greater than/equal to the NCCCS Average Band Min, but less than the NCCCS Average Band Max (yellow).
Student Achievement Data
NCCCS Performance Measures for Student Success: First Year Progression
CVCC’s Goals:
Goal/target: CVCC’s goal is to remain above the NCCCS average.
The graph above shows that CVCC’s First-Year Progression results compared to the NCCCS average and show that CVCC has met its target of remaining above the NCCCS average every year.
Stretch goal:
CVCC’s stretch goal is to fall into one of the following performance levels (listed in ascending goal level):
- ≥ Average Band Min, < Average Band Max (yellow)
- ≥ Average Band Max, < Excellence Level (green)
- Met or Exceeded Excellence Level (light gray)
Report Year | Fall Cohort | CVCC Results | NCCCS Mean | Met or Exceeded Level | ≥ Avg Band Max, Below Excellence |
≥ Avg Band Min, <Avg Band Max |
≥ Baseline, <Avg Band Min |
Below Baseline Level | CVCC Performance |
2023 | 2021 | 1.071 | 1.007 | ≥ 1.067 | 1.035 - 1.066 | 0.971 - 1.034 | 0.874-0.970 | < 0.874 | Met or Exceeded Excellence Level |
2022 | 2020 | 1.076 | 1.014 | ≥ 1.069 | 1.036 - 1.068 | 0.970 - 1.035 | 0.872 - 0.969 | < 0.872 | Met or Exceeded Excellence Level |
Data from NCCCS Dashboards:
The table above shows the NCCCS Performance Measures Report Data for First Year Progression from the 2022 and 2023 reports. For the 2022 and 2023 reports, CVCC met the highest level of its stretch goal (index score that Met or Exceeded NCCCS Excellence Level (light gray).
NCCCS Performance Measures for Student Success: College Transfer Performance
CVCC’s Goals:
Goal/target: CVCC’s goal is to remain above the NCCCS average.
The graph above shows that CVCC’s Transfer Performance results compared to the NCCCS average. Data over the past four years, 2020 – 2023, show that CVCC has returned to meeting its target of remaining above the NCCCS average for the College Transfer Performance Measure.
Stretch goal:
CVCC’s stretch goal is to fall into one of the following performance levels (listed in ascending goal level):
- ≥ Average Band Min, < Average Band Max (yellow)
- ≥ Average Band Max, < Excellence Level (green)
- Met or Exceeded Excellence Level (light gray)
Report Year | Fall Cohort | CVCC Results | NCCCS Mean | Met or Exceeded Level | ≥ Avg Band Max, Below Excellence |
≥ Avg Band Min, <Avg Band Max |
≥ Baseline, <Avg Band Min |
Below Baseline Level | CVCC Performance |
2023 | 2020-2021 | 1.035 | 0.981 | ≥ 1.036 | 1.009 - 1.035 | 0.954 - 1.008 | 0.871-0.953 | < 0.871 |
≥ Average Band Max, Below Excellence |
2022 | 2019-2020 | 1.017 | 0.990 | ≥ 1.024 | 1.007 - 1.023 | 0.973 - 1.006 | 0.922-0.972 | < 0.922 |
≥ Average Band Max, Below Excellence |
Data from NCCCS Dashboards:
The table above shows the NCCCS Performance Measures Report Data for First Year Progression from the 2022 and 2023 reports. For the 2022 and 2023 reports, CVCC met the middle level of its stretch goal (index score that was greater than/equal to the NCCCS Average Band Max, but below Excellence level (green).