Career and College Promise - Eligibility
Students must meet certain requirements to be eligible for Career and College Promise
Who's Eligible?
Potential Career and College Promise (CCP) students who are planning to enroll at Catawba Valley in the Fall 2019 term and beyond will be impacted by the new RISE eligibility standards.
NCCCS/CCP Eligibility Standards
College Transfer Pathways (CTP)
- Students must be juniors or seniors in a North Carolina public, private or home school setting.
- Students may qualify for a CCP college transfer pathway with a cumulative unweighted high school GPA of 2.8 (or higher) or with approved assessment scores.
Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathways
- Students must be juniors or seniors in a North Carolina public, private or home school setting.
- CTE pathway students will have the option to qualify for the program with a cumulative unweighted high school GPA of 2.8 (or higher) or approved assessment scores.
- Principals (or their designee) may submit a waiver to allow a student entry into a CTE pathway. If a waiver is submitted, the principal (or their designee) will need to provide rationale for why the GPA requirement was waived. CTE pathways that include UGETC (Universal General Education Transfer Component) courses will not be eligible for the principal waiver/designee waiver for entry into the CCP program.
To maintain eligibility for continued enrollment, a student must:
Continue to make progress toward high school graduation, and
Maintain a 2.0 GPA in college coursework after completing two courses.