Find and apply for Scholarships. Start researching early, meet deadlines, and you may be on your way to scholarship success.
Scholarships assist students in paying for their college education. Scholarships do not have to be repaid. Generally, scholarships are a form of financial aid awarded to students with special qualifications, such as academic, athletic, or artistic talent. Scholarships may be set up to support a specific type of work like community service or support an underrepresented group of students.
The Next NC Scholarship is a financial aid program that helps most North Carolinians from households making $80,000 or less pursue a higher education, by fully covering tuition and fees at any community college or more than half, if not all, of tuition and fees to attend any public university in the state.
Please Note: Scholarship applications for Fall 2024 have now closed.
Through funds donated to the CVCC Foundation, Inc. by individuals, families, and community groups, numerous permanent scholarships have been established to assist CVCC students. Students should contact the Foundation, located in the CVCC Executive Offices building (next to Main Campus), at (828) 327-7000 ext. 4282.
The North Carolina Community Foundation (NCCF) partners with fundholders to administer hundreds of scholarship opportunities across North Carolina. NCCF manages nearly 150 scholarship funds for individuals, families, school systems and organizations in the counties they serve. As of 2024, students can find the scholarships they are eligible through one NCCF application. Follow this link to begin!
The Longleaf Commitment Grant is a program for 2023 NC High School Graduates who will attend a NC community college staring in Fall 2023. Hish sschool graduates may be able to recieve $700-$2800 per year, for a total of two years.
To be eligible, students must: Graduate high school or recieve a high school equivalency diploma during the 2022-23 school year; be a NC resident according to the NC Residency Determination Service (RDS); be a first-time college student (includes CCP and Early/Middle College High School students); enroll in a curriculum program and maintain at least six (6) credit hours during the Fall 2023 semester; complete the FAFSA for the 2023-24 academic year and renew for subsequent years; have an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) below $15,000; and meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements as determined by the college.
The North Carolina Community Colleges Scholarship Guide
The Scholarship Guide: Eligibility Criteria and Guidelines for Scholarship Administration (Coming Soon) covers the scope of scholarships from state, corporate, and private sponsors for North Carolina community college students:
- The NC Community Colleges Foundation Endowment for Teacher Preparation
- NC Community Colleges Foundation Scholarship for Health Careers
- Wells Fargo Technical Scholarship
- Rodney B. Powell Memorial Scholarship
- Golden Leaf Scholars Program
- George W. Ballard Memorial Scholarship
- Allen Ryan Todd Scholarship
- SECU Foundation Scholarship
NC REACH Scholarship
NC Reach is a state-funded scholarship offered to qualified applicants for up to four years of undergraduate study at North Carolina public colleges and universities. Available funding is awarded after other public funds and scholarships have been applied. NC Reach provides comprehensive student support, including mentors, care packages, and internships.
Forgivable Education Loans for Service
The Forgivable Education Loans for Service provides financial assistance to qualified students enrolled in an approved education program and committed to working in critical employment shortage professions in North Carolina. The North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority provides administration for the program.
External Scholarship Resources
External scholarships are awarded by agencies, clubs, and organizations outside of CVCC. Interested students should visit External Scholarship Resources for further assistance.
Please note: These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by Catawba Valley Community College of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual. Catawba Valley Community College bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
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