Defensive Driving
Get a ticket in Burke, Caldwell, or Catawba counties? CVCC offers Defensive Driving class and Alive @ 25 class to help you reduce the ticket. Please follow instructions carefully to ensure the court accepts your class work.
If you have been charged with a traffic violation in the 36th Judicial District, which consist of Burke, Caldwell or Catawba counties or any other county that participates with the Defensive Driving program, you may elect to have it reduced by completing one of the following classes:
- a 4-hour Alive @ 25 class for 16-21 year olds
- a 4-hour Defensive Driving class for those 22 years old and older or
- an 8-hour court ordered Defensive Driving Course
This program is available through Catawba Valley Community College and the Safety and Health Council of North Carolina to train motorists in the principles of defensive driving.
Contact Cheri Toney at if you are interested.
Please register at least three days before the class starts.
If you are registering for any one of the driving classes, please complete the mandatory Driving Registration Form and someone will contact you for enrollment.
Is It For One of the Following?
- Any equipment violation
- City code violations
- Crossing median
- Driving left of center
- Driving without two headlight
- Exceeding a safe speed
- Exceeding posted speed limit
- Failing to burn headlamps
- Failing to dim headlamps
- Failing to give turn signal
- Failing to reduce speed
- Failing to stop for RR warning
- Failing to yield right-of-way
- Improper use of traffic lane
- Leaving vehicle unattended
- No child restraint
- Overloading violations
- Red light violations
- Speed less than minimum
- Stop sign violation
- Too fast for conditions
- Unsafe movement
- Wrong way on one-way road
- Speeding (15 mph or less over speed limit)
If you have a violation that is not listed above, a waiver form from the District Attorney's office will be required at the time of registration
Class Offering
CVCC offers the 4-hour Defensive Driving class on:
Classes are offered twice a month on Saturday mornings from 9 AM-1 PM. Please see the schedule.
First Wednesday morning of each month from 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
Registration Information: The cost of the 4-hr program is $60. Any form of payment is accepted, and payment is due at registration. Instant Online Enrollment is available. Payments are also accepted by mail with the registration form, ticket, copy of driver's license and payment. Mail the required information to CVCC, Attn: Cheri Toney, 2550 Hwy. 70 SE, Hickory NC 28602.
If you are registering for any one of the driving classes, please complete the mandatory Driving Registration Form and someone will contact you for enrollment.
CVCC offers the 8-hour ADD Defensive Driving class on:
Only three classes left before the end of the year for the 8-hour ADD Driving class— December 5 and December 12—limited students allowed so sign up early!
All of our 8-hour classes are $100 and pre-registration is required. These are held on Saturday's from 8a-5p at the CVCC East Campus.
Saturday mornings from 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
One hour will be provided for lunch.
Registration Information: The cost of the 8-hr program is $100. Any form of payment is accepted, and payment is due at registration. Instant Online Enrollment is available. Payments are also accepted by mail with the registration form, ticket, copy of driver's license and payment. Mail the required information to CVCC, Attn: Cheri Toney, 2550 Hwy. 70 SE, Hickory NC 28602.
If you are registering for any one of the driving classes, please complete the mandatory Driving Registration Form and someone will contact you for enrollment.
Note: You must be pre-registered no later than the day before to the designated class you want. Please be signed up by 8:00 PM for a weekday class and by 3:00 PM for a Saturday class!
CVCC offers the Alive @ 25 class on:
Saturday mornings from 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
CVCC will accept Defensive Driving and Alive @ 25 registrations at the East Campus Monday-Thursday from 8:00 AM-8:00 PM, and Saturday's from 8:00 AM-1:00 PM. You must be signed up no later than Wednesday for a Thursday night class and be registered no later than Thursday for a Saturday morning class. Please be sure to bring your ticket, your driver's license and $60 when you come to register. If you have any questions please contact or (828) 327-7037.
The Alive @ 25 Program is held on Saturdays from 9:00 AM-1:00 PM. Students must be registered no later than the Thursday prior to the Saturday class. The Alive @ 25 Program is for any students between the ages of 16-21 years of age who received a citation in Catawba, Caldwell, or Burke (or any other county which participates with the Alive @ 25 program). Student's who go to a high school EXCEPT Alexander County, Catawba County, Newton-Conover City Schools or Hickory City Schools must present a high school permission form when they register.
If you are registering for any one of the driving classes, please complete the mandatory Driving Registration Form and someone will contact you for enrollment.
Note: Please note that the courthouse accepts only cash, certified check or money order when paying for the ticket.
Once you take the driving class, a certificate is issued at the end of the class showing completion of the program. Present this paperwork to the courthouse at least 5 working days before your court date. In addition to the paperwork you will still be responsible for paying the ticket. This amount does not include the registration fee for the class. For the price of the citation, call the Clerk of Courts Office in the county in which the ticket was received.
Out-of-town students may take the Defensive Driving class in any participating county in North Carolina. For a list of participating counties and facilities you can visit the Safety and Health Council of NC website at Out of town students who wish to take the class at CVCC may mail the required information to CVCC, Attn: Cheri Toney, 2550 Hwy. 70 SE, Hickory NC 28602.
Contact Information
Director, Community Development and Personal Enrichment
Community Development & Personal Enrichment
Cheri Toney
Phone: 828-327-7000
Office Number: EC 966