SOFA Apprenticeship
The Students of Furniture Apprenticeship (SOFA) program offers students apprenticeships with local companies.
The Students of Furniture Apprenticeship (SOFA) program is a workforce development initiative, preparing graduates for an exciting career in furniture.
- Now Recruiting—high school juniors, seniors, and recent graduates
- Training in Furniture Fundamentals—7-week class in the basics
- Paid Furniture Pre-apprenticeships—students will explore a career as a skilled craftsman in furniture (sewing, upholstery, manual cutting, automated cutting, pattern-making, and spring-up). Starting pay is $10 per hour!
- Full-time Employment/Apprenticeship in the Furniture Industry—our ultimate goal for you upon graduation
Champion Scholars Students of Furniture Apprenticeship Program
This program provides high school students ages 16-18 with the knowledge and skills needed to develop an exciting new career in furniture.
Our program will not only introduce you to new career opportunities, but will provide a paid summer position as a pre-apprentice with a local furniture company.
Our ultimate goal is for you to explore a career as a skilled craftsman (sewing, upholstery, manual cutting, automated cutting, pattern-making, and spring-up). Full-time employment/apprenticeship opportunities available after completing the summer pre-apprenticeship program.
If interested, please fill out the » Champion Scholars Student Application. The deadline for applications is to be determined.
Class Schedules
» View Course Schedule for dates and registration information.
7-Week Classroom Instruction and Employment
Class Information:
- Fundamentals class
- Paid pre-apprentice positions will pay $10 per hour. Students may work additional hours, if approved by employer. Work dates to be determined.
- Students may take up to one week of vacation, if approved by the instructor and employer.
Classroom work includes:
- Safety
- Lean
- Employability Skills
- Introduction to Furniture Occupations
- Hand Tools and Equipment
Employment includes a paid pre-apprentice position with a local furniture company.
Benefits include:
- Explore a career in furniture
- Earn college credit
- Earn high school credit
- Summer employment that can lead to a full-time job and apprenticeship opportunity with an area furniture company
Why register for the Students Of Furniture Apprenticeship?
If you are interested in an exciting new career, enjoy working with your hands, and enjoy creating or "building things," then the Students of Furniture Apprenticeship Program is right for you.
If you are looking for a great career and have an interest and aptitude for furniture, then you should register for this exciting opportunity.
Students Of Furniture Apprenticeship Partners
Thank you to the following companies for sponsoring this program:
- Century Furniture
- CR Laine
- Geiger
- Hickory Chair
- Lexington Home Brands
- Restoration Hardware
- Sherrill Furniture
- Vanguard Furniture
Contact Information
For questions, contact Sia Vang at or call (828) 327-7000 ext. 4487.