Business Office - FAQ
Not find your question below? Contact the Business Office for additional information.
Q: When is tuition due?
A: Tuition due dates are published in the Semester Schedule posted on the CVCC website. A due date reminder will also be emailed to the student's CVCC email account regularly prior to the beginning of the semester.
Q: Will I receive a bill in the mail now that I registered for classes?
A: CVCC does not mail bills or statements. The primary method of communication is by CVCC email. It is recommended students check their CVCC email account regularly after registering for classes for important information from the Business Office.
Q: Will I receive a bill in the mail for my past due balance?
A: CVCC does not mail bills or statements. Monthly, CVCC will notify students with past due balances to login to My Services and select "View my Account Statement". This provides a detailed view of transactions for the past 365 days. From there, students can "Make a Payment" and avoid the Collection Policy.
Q: How do I know if my online payment was successful?
A: Once a payment online is submitted, students will be forwarded to a confirmation page showing a receipt number and payment amount. This is the official receipt. An email will also be sent to the student's email account showing this information.
Students can also verify their payment in MyCVCC Portal. Select “My Account Summary” under the Student menu. This will show the payments, as well as the current account balance.
Q: Can I make a credit card payment by phone?
A: Effective Fall 2008, the Business Office can no longer accept credit card payments by phone. If students would like to make a credit card payment, please login to MyCVCC Portal.
Q: When can I sign up for the payment plan?
A: The payment plan is available from the first day of registration until the stated last day to pay. Students must be registered for classes in order to enroll in the payment plan.
Q: How do I enroll in the payment plan?
A: Enrollment in the payment plan is done entirely online using MyCVCC Portal. To enroll, login to MyServices and select “Payment Plan Options (Nelnet Business Solutions)”. Students will need their 7-digit student ID number and credit card, checking or savings account information. Please be sure to read the terms and conditions prior to enrollment.
Q: I enrolled in the payment plan. Is that all I need to do?
A: Once enrolled in the payment plan, please check the student's email account regularly to ensure the down payment is drafted. Once the down payment is drafted, enrollment in the payment plan has been successful. In the event the down payment is not successfully drafted, students will be notified by Nelnet Business Solutions via email. If the down payment is not successfully drafted, students will need to re-enroll in the payment plan or make other payment arrangements.
CVCC recommends students check their email regularly until all payments have been drafted and their student account balance is paid in full.
Q: How do I make the next payment for the payment plan?
A: Payment will be automatically drafted from the student's credit card, or checking or savings account, monthly until the balance is paid in full.
Q: Can I make payment plan payments at the Business Office?
A: No. Payments will be automatically drafted from the student's credit card or checking or savings account on the date selected. If making a payment at the Business Office, the student's account will still be drafted on the 5th or 20th of the month, if there is a balance remaining.
Q: I enrolled in the payment plan and now I have canceled or registered for more classes, what do I do about the payment plan?
A: The payment plan account balance will be adjusted by the Business Office after the next scheduled payment. Please check email regularly to ensure that this adjustment is made. If the student does not see it within one payment, please contact the Business Office.
Q: I am on the payment plan and decided to pay my student account balance early. Will my payments automatically stop?
A: No! The Business Office must be notified to stop the payment plan payments if the student makes additional payments outside of the payment plan draft dates. This includes payments at the Business Office or payments made by financial aid.
Q: I applied for financial aid. Why does it not show up in my account?
A: Financial aid will not appear on the student's account until the aid is processed by the Financial Aid office and the student has received the award letter. This can take anywhere from 6 to 10 weeks from application to award.
In the meantime, students may consider paying in full or enrolling in the payment plan until they are awarded aid. Once the aid is applied to the student's account, they will be refunded any credit balance.
Q: How can I verify my financial aid has been applied to my account?
A: Payments may be verified in MyCVCC Portal. Select “My Account Summary” under the Student menu. Financial aid will show as “Financial Aid Remaining”.
Q: I dropped my classes. Why do I still owe a balance?
A: Please see the Refund Policy.
Q: When will I receive my refund?
A: For cash, check, credit card, or money order refunds, students should receive their refund within two weeks of the date the payment created a credit balance on the student account.
For financial aid refunds, financial aid is not posted to the student's account balance until after the add/drop period ends. This is usually six weeks after the semester begins. Once aid is posted to the student's account, they should receive their refund within 14 days.
Q: Can I pick up my refund check?
A: No. CVCC policy requires the Business Office to mail refunds to the address on file. Students can verify the address on file using MyCVCC Portal. Select “My Profile” under the Student menu.
If the address is incorrect, please contact Student Records to have it updated.
Q: What does “sponsored student” mean?
A: A sponsored student is one in which an outside agency (employer, government agency) is paying the tuition due by the student directly to CVCC. If an outside agency is paying any part of the student's tuition, please review the Sponsored Student Policies and Procedures.
Q: I have a past due balance. Now what happens?
A: Please see the Collection Policy.
Q: I have a question and cannot get anyone to answer the phone! Now what?
A: Please leave a message. It is important to leave a message so the Business Office can expedite assistance to students as quickly as possible.
Methods of Payment
Payment Policy
Refund Policy
Check Acceptance/Return Policy
Collection Policy
Curriculum Tuition and Fees
Student Accident Insurance
Sponsored Students Policies
Tuition Payment Plan
1098-T Information
Frequently Asked Questions
State Auditor's Hotline
Tuition and Financial Aid Refunds
Doing Business with CVCC
Vendor Registration Info
Delivery and Payment