Teacher Renewal
Earn teacher renewal and professional development credits at CVCC.
All available classes with their time, date, location, and cost will be on the » Class Schedules. Some classes may not be available at this time.
Building a Resilient and Understanding Classroom Environment to make any Teacher and Child Smile!
How is this done? Through relationships! This class will help you think about how children move and learn thoughts to the whole child. Other topics include: classroom management ideas, choices and "real" conscious discipline, CSEFEL (social emotional foundations of early learning), positive behavior disciplines to hybrid environments with more balance towards our academic expectations with less support, less resources, and more to support and outreach towards. Contact hours: 10 = 1.0 CEU.
Creative Writing for Teachers
This class is designed for teachers who are interested in developing their own skills as creative writers, as well as learning strategies for implementing creative and imaginative writing in their own classrooms. Participants will be invited to produce their own creative works, learn strategies for providing meaningful feedback, and will examine many forms of imaginative writing. The goal of creative writing is to enable participants to improve their own creative activity, as well as encouraging a classroom environment in which imaginative thinking plays a central role. Contact hours: 10 = 1.0 CEU.
Exploring North Carolina Digital Competencies for Teachers: Build Your Toolbox
Join educators from across the Catawba Valley community to learn and grow your digital teaching and learning skills, address North Carolina's Digital Learning Competencies and discover new ways to increase student engagement. In this course, participants will learn to implement research-based, effective instructional strategies that meet the DLC's. Each technology tool will be presented along with effective pedagogy with an emphasis on sound teaching practices. The course instructors are Google certified and are ambassadors for educational technology tools to help you incorporate technology into your classroom. One hour for lunch. Contact hours: 10 = 1.0 CEU
Personalizing Learning with Google Tools
Meeting the needs of all learners is a perennial struggle of every classroom teacher. In this hands-on introduction to personalized learning's, participants will learn the four pillars of personalized learning, key shifts in teaching and learning that take place in a personalized and blended learning classroom and how to use Google tools to meet students where they are and increase student agency. Participants will experience a blended learning model to learn how to transform their classrooms into a personalized learning environment. One hour for lunch. Contact hours: 10 = 1.0 CEU.
Voracious Vocabulary and Wondrous Word Study
Vocabulary knowledge is the single best predictor of students' comprehension of texts. The reading of complex texts requires that students have rich vocabularies. Research has also shown that vocabulary terms should become isolated lists to memorize, rather than words that should be interwoven throughout the day. This workshop is designed to provide participants with a multitude of strategies for expanding students' vocabulary. Please bring a charged laptop or iPad. Contact Hours: 10 = 1.0 CEU.
Classes will be held on the main campus in the Robert E. Paap (REP building, unless otherwise noted.)
Contact Information
For questions you may email Cheri Toney at ctoney@cvcc.edu or register with Instant Online Enrollment.
For further information you may contact the Continuing Education Department at (828) 327-7037.
Adobe Certification Classes
Basic Rider Course
Cooking, Foods, Herbs and Fun
Drawing, Painting and Arts
Gun Safety Classes
Language Courses
Music and Drama
Sewing and Needlework
Special Interests
Sports, Dance and Exercise
Teacher Renewal
Writing Courses
Class Schedules